+20 102 118 8233
Honey Processing Line
Introducing the Honey Processing Line by Endaar, a comprehensive solution designed to streamline and...
Manual Helical Honey Extractor
We offer a versatile manual honey extractor with a helical gear transmission and a cage designed to ...
Motorized Extractor
Introducing Endaar motorized radial honey extractor, with a stainless steel cage and a diameter of ...
Professional Radial Extractor
Professional Radial Honey Extractor by Endaar, a top-of-the-line solution engineered to meet the dem...
Sump Tank
Introducing the Sumb Tank by Endaar, a versatile and efficient solution for honey collection and pur...
مستخرج بمحركات
نقدم لكم مستخرج العسل الشعاعي المجهز بمحرك إنضار، مع قفص من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ وقطر Ø 630 مم. تم ...
خبرة 10 سنوات في إدارة وإنشاء المناحل ومنتجاتها
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