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Our Products


Our commitment to using organic methods means that we avoid the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides, allowing us to bring you a product that is not only of exceptional quality but also environmentally friendly.



We don't just sell any beeswax - we produce the finest quality beeswax by our beekeepers who use sustainable and humane methods of beekeeping. 

We take immense pride in our ethical and environmentally friendly practices, ensuring that our products are not only of the highest quality but also responsibly sourced.
But what makes our organic and pure Beeswax so special? Well, let's start with its natural appeal - it's simply irresistible! But it's not just a pretty face, as they say. Our Beeswax offers a range of functional benefits too. Its high melting point makes it perfect for creating long-lasting candles and skincare products. And its natural emulsifying properties mean it can blend oils and water-based ingredients seamlessly, resulting in a smooth and consistent texture that's simply heavenly.

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    We believe in the versatility of our organic and pure Beeswax, which can be used for a multitude of applications - from coating food wraps to making handmade lip balms and lotions. Its natural properties make it a popular choice among those who prefer to use natural and sustainable ingredients in their products.
    By choosing our Bee Pollen, our clients can have confidence that they are making a positive impact on their customer's health and the environment. We believe that natural and organic products are not only better for the individual but also for the planet. That's why we are committed to promoting sustainable living and responsible environmental stewardship in all that we do.

Bee Pollen

At Endaar, we take great pride in offering the highest quality organic and pure Bee Pollen to our customers. We have our own beekeepers who carefully tend to our bees and ensure that they are free to collect nectar from organic flowers and plants.

We believe that organic and pure bee pollen is not only better for the bees but also better for the consumers. Our Bee Pollen is sustainably harvested using methods that ensure that the bees are not harmed during the collection process. We work with our beekeepers who are committed to ethical and sustainable beekeeping practices, ensuring that the bees are happy and healthy, and their hives are not disturbed.

Once we have harvested the Bee Pollen, we take great care in processing it to retain its potency and purity. We use a gentle and careful process that ensures that the pollen is not exposed to any harmful chemicals or additives. This ensures that our Bee Pollen is of the highest quality and purity, with all the natural goodness and nutrients preserved.

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    Our organic and pure Bee Pollen is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, antibiotics, and antioxidants, making it a popular choice among health enthusiasts. It can be used as a supplement to boost energy, support immune function, and promote overall health and wellness.
    We believe that our commitment to offering organic and pure Bee Pollen sets us apart from our competitors. We strive to provide our customers with a product that is not only of the highest quality but also ethically and sustainably sourced.


Bee Propolis

Our organic and pure Bee Propolis supplement is a natural and powerful way to support your immune system and overall health. We take great care in sourcing our propolis from only the finest beekeepers who use sustainable and ethical methods of beekeeping.

Propolis is a natural substance that bees create by mixing their saliva and beeswax with resin from trees and plants. It is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a popular ingredient in natural remedies and supplements.

Our Bee Propolis supplement is made with high-quality, pure propolis, which is carefully extracted and processed to preserve its natural potency. We use a state-of-the-art extraction process that ensures that all of the beneficial compounds found in propolis are present in our supplement.

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    In addition to its immune-boosting properties, our organic and pure Bee Propolis supplement also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, helping protect your cells and reduce inflammation. It is also believed to have anti-tumor properties, making it a potentially valuable addition to a cancer prevention regimen.
    At Endaar, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality and most effective natural supplements. We believe in the power of nature to heal and nourish the body, and we strive to make our products as pure and potent as possible.
    Our Bee Propolis supplement is free from any artificial additives, fillers, or preservatives, ensuring that you get only the purest and most effective form of propolis. It is also certified organic, meaning that it is produced without the use of harmful pesticides or chemicals, ensuring that you are getting a safe and pure product.

Royal Jelly

At Endaar, we take great pride in providing our customers with pure and organic Royal Jelly, made from only the highest quality ingredients. Our commitment ensures that you receive a product that is both pure and environmentally sustainable.

We believe that the key to producing premium Royal Jelly lies in the care and attention to detail that we put into every step of the process. From the selection of the beekeepers to the harvesting of the raw ingredients, every decision we make is based on our unwavering commitment to quality.
Our mission at Endaar is to provide our customers with a premium product that is both pure and organic. We understand the importance of making healthy and environmentally conscious choices, which is why we take great care in sourcing our Royal Jelly from the most trusted and experienced beekeepers.

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    When you choose our Royal Jelly, you can rest assured that you are getting a product that is free from harmful chemicals and additives. Our dedication to using only organic ingredients means that you can enjoy the full health benefits of this powerful superfood without any compromise.

    We believe that our pure and organic Royal Jelly is the best on the market and we stand behind our product with complete confidence. Try it for yourself and experience the difference that comes from choosing the best.


Bee Packages

At Endaar, we believe in offering Bee Packages that not only benefit beekeepers but also prioritize the well-being of the bees themselves. We carefully source our bees from organic and pure colonies, ensuring that they are healthy and thriving before they are ever packaged and shipped to your doorstep.

We understand that bees are not just insects, but living creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem, and we take great care to treat them with the respect and care they deserve. When you choose Endaar Bee Packages, you can feel good knowing that you are supporting a company that prioritizes humane and ethical practices.
In addition to our commitment to sourcing bees from organic and pure colonies, we also prioritize their comfort and safety during transportation. Our Bee Packages are designed to provide a stress-free journey for the bees, with ample ventilation and protective measures to ensure their well-being.

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    We believe that happy and healthy bees make for the best beekeeping experience, which is why we go the extra mile to ensure that our Bee Packages are of the highest quality. We are passionate about promoting sustainable and responsible beekeeping practices, and we are proud to provide beekeepers with the tools they need to care for their colonies in a humane and ethical way.

Bee Venom

We believe that natural remedies can provide powerful benefits for both humans and bees alike. That's why we offer ethically sourced Bee Venom, carefully harvested from our bee colonies with the utmost care and respect.

We take pride in producing some of the highest quality bee venom available on the market. Our venom has been extensively researched and has been shown to provide numerous benefits to those who use it.
One of the key benefits of our bee venom is its ability to boost the immune system. Our venom contains peptides that have been shown to stimulate the immune system, leading to increased production of white blood cells and improved immune function. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with weakened immune systems or those who are looking to improve their overall health.

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    In addition to its immune-boosting properties, our bee venom has also been shown to promote healing. The peptides in our venom have been found to stimulate the production of collagen, a key protein that plays a crucial role in skin repair and regeneration. This can be particularly helpful for individuals with wounds, scars, or other skin conditions.

    Finally, our bee venom has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation. The peptides in our venom have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce pain and swelling in the body. This can be particularly helpful for individuals with chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia.

    Overall, Endaar's bee venom is a high-quality product that offers numerous benefits for those who use it. 


Virgin and Queen Bees

Endaar is a company that specializes in producing high-quality bees, including Virgin and Queen Bees. These bees are carefully bred to exhibit a range of desirable qualities, making them valuable additions to any beekeeper's hive.

One of the key qualities of Endaar's bees is their excellent honey production. These bees are bred to be highly efficient at collecting nectar and producing honey, which makes them a great choice for anyone looking to start a honey-making operation. With Endaar's bees, you can expect to get plenty of delicious, high-quality honey from your hives.

Another important quality of Endaar's bees is their gentle temperament. These bees are bred to be less aggressive and more docile than other bee strains, which makes them easier and safer to work with. Beekeepers who use Endaar's bees will have less trouble with stings and other problems that can arise from working with more aggressive bee strains.

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    Finally, Endaar's bees are bred to be highly resistant to disease. This is an important quality for any bee strain, as bees can be susceptible to a range of illnesses and infections that can devastate entire hives. With Endaar's bees, beekeepers can rest assured that their hives will be healthy and thriving, even in the face of potential threats.

    Overall, Endaar's Virgin and Queen Bees are an excellent choice for anyone looking to start or expand their beekeeping operation. With their excellent honey production, gentle temperament, and disease resistance, these bees are a valuable addition to any hive.

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